

The best garden supply catalogs



Whether you are planting a big garden, small garden, raised bed garden, flower beds, and lawn, veggie garden, fruit garden, townhouse garden, or apartment garden there are certain gardening tools and supplies that you should get to help you start growing your own garden. Garden tools are as important as a knife is to a chef so make sure you get gardening tools that will last for years and aid you in growing a successful garden.

Also, remember to take proper care for your garden is part of gardening because if you don’t you will have damaged or rusting tools that can harm and spread germs into your garden. Here is a list of basic gardening tools and gardening supplies for (almost) every type of gardening.


best garden supply catalogs

Tools that every garden and lawn needs:

  • Gardening gloves and gardening apron – Even if you are working in a small garden you will still need to work with soil, water and other things that can get your clothes and hands dirty.
  • Garden Journal – This will help you track your garden and see that you grow a successful one.
  • Watering can – Whether it be your indoor herb garden, young seedlings or your dedicated garden space outside a watering can is very important for watering delicate plants.
  • Trowel – Small in size, a perfect gardening tool for planting bulbs or seeds in containers and outside gardens
  • Garden Knife or Hori Hori Knife – This item is an everyday gardening tool from weeding to cutting bags open
  • Pruning Shears or Pruning Knife – Good for harvesting time, shaping, removing small branches, or cutting greenery in general. A good pair of pruners will go a long way. It is one of the most used tools in the garden you may even have it in your garden toolbox.
  • Soil Scoop – used for transferring soil from the container, if you have an indoor garden this will be especially useful for not making a big mess.

Garden Shovels – Many great uses, a must-have for large gardens.


For bigger gardens you will need:

  • Garden Rake – A garden rake is used for leveling and clearing debris from your garden.
  • Leaf Rake – Leaves from trees will fall and someone must rake up the leaves so make sure you get a good garden rake to get this job was done quickly and efficiently as possible.
  • Wheelbarrow or Garden Cart – You will be happy you have it when bringing things around the garden and carrying things like soil into your garden from your car.
  • Garden Spade or Pitch Fork – For digging, turning and mixing the soil, planting or transplanting large shrubs or small tree, lawn edger or ditch-digging; this is a very important tool so make sure you get one that is the right height for you
  • Garden Water Hose with Spray Nozzle – Of course, you won't need this if you have a small indoor garden or a herb garden. But if you have an outdoor space then you will need this for your grass as well as your garden.
  • Natural jute twine – Growing vegetable, fruits, and other taller plants you will need this to help tie things up and just all around the garden, in general, and event, some indoor plant may need some tying.
  • Shovel – If you live somewhere cold you may even need it to shovel snow! Well, that would be a snow shovel, which is a little different. But a garden shuffle definitely comes in handy.
  • Garden Hoes or Cultivator – There are many different types of garden hoes out there with different purposes for your garden and most of them are quite useful.
  • Kneeling Pad – Yes you will be working on the around a lot so get a good comfortable kneeling pad.


Nice to have:

  • Hose Reel – Makes controlling your garden hose much easier and easier for storing it as well
  • Tool container or carrier – The only reason it is under nice to have is that you can use something else in place of it like the basket which you should get because you will use these tools almost every day. But it is “nice to have” a container or carrier that is dedicated for your garden tools
  • Seeding Starting Supplies – This includes flats, trays, and heating cables. You don’t need all of this if you have a greenhouse, planting seedlings straight into the ground or if you have your plants indoor
  • Fencing – If you have a fruit and vegetable garden or yummy flowers then you might want to consider a fence around your garden to keep little critters away
  • Green House – You may want to plant plants that will not survive the winter cold then you will need to either bring them indoors or use a greenhouse.
  • Shed – Keeping your gardening tools in a shed will help keep it in good working condition and keep the rust away. Using a tarp to cover up your tools will be just fine but it is always nice to have a dedicated space for your gardening tools.
  • WorkSpace – Having your own garden workspace would be wonderful but not necessary. A workspace can include an outdoor sink, a table, and a place for your gardening tools and supplies.

Gardening tools can last for years and passed down from generation to generation if you take good care of them.


Care for tools and extra tips:

  • Remember to clean your tools after each use to prevent rust and other bacteria or mold building that can lead to the spreading of germs into your garden, you can clean your tools with a wire brush.
  • Again if possible then store your gardening tools and gardening supplies into a shed or storage space to protect it from the weather but if not then use a tarp to cover your outdoor tools.
  • Checking your tools routinely is wise as it keeps your tools in working order. Checking your tools includes:

1.      Sharpening tools as needed.

2.      Checking to see if the handles are cracked or split, the last thing you would want is to get splinters while caring for your garden.

  • Get tools and supplies that are of good quality because cheap tools will make gardening a lot tougher instead of helping you or it will just break down on you.
  • Make sure your tools are the right height for you as this will help you to work in the proper position with the least strain on your back.
  • Put sunscreen on if you are going to be working outside, you may be outside for many hours and if you do not you may get a sunburn.


Remember gardening is a practice of patience, care, and love for your plants and you will get beautiful and/or delicious results. This is a basic round-up of equipment that you will find yourself needing for you to start a garden, of course, there will be other things that you made find yourself needing depending on your garden like nylon trellis if you are growing a vertical garden. A garden will give your home beauty and life and maybe even provide delicious fruits and vegetables. What is your favorite garden tool?




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